You should print a copy each of the PDF files in this directory before cross country flights. There are some minor updates to these files made in 2013. Please use the latest versions. XC_ALL_2013.pdf is the file that includes both the XC_Plan_Form_2013.pdf, and the instructions for that form in one 4 page file. XC_Plan_Form_2013.pdf is a 2 page form that works best when printed front to back on the same page. This printing layout allows for use of the entire form in planning, and brings the important information needed during the flight into view when the page is folded in half for a cleaner more organized cockpit. densaltchrt.pdf is a handy density altitude chart that may be needed for planning. weather.pdf is a good 'cheat sheet' of some common weather information. The extra_xc_stuff directory has a few other random files that may be of interest, but are not required. - all.PDF includes both the flightplanner.pdf pages, and VFR_CC_guide.pdf pages all in one file. flightplanner.pdf forms work best if printed front to back on the same page.